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Why You Need to Hire a Photographer for your Wedding Proposal

Its been months, and I mean MONTHS since it first came through my mind that what I really wanted to do was photograph a wedding proposal in action.  It took all this time to finally find a couple willing to let me be a creep and catch their special moment on film (or on sensor ;)).  I mean, everyone already knows its important to catch the engagement photography, and the wedding photography, but what about the proposal photography?!  What an important moment!

I met Tyas several months back, and ever since the first week I’d met him, he hasn’t stopped talking about his plans to propose to, his now fiancé, Olivia.  Let me talk about Tyas for a second.  He is one of the smartest people I’ve ever met.  Super down to earth, passionate, and TALENTED!  He’s a magician, and when he’s not working he’s performing magic for charity.  All this to say, if Tyas were to plan anything, you’d know that whatever it may be, it would be clever, exciting, and of course, magical.

Thats exactly how I’d describe this wedding proposal.  Clever, exciting, and magical.  You could absolutely tell how much he loves Olivia with as much thought, planning, and care that went into this.  And you could tell from her response to it all how much she loves him.

So let this post serve as a great inspiration for any wedding proposal ideas, because this was just a brilliant one.  Tyas wanted a photographer to capture every moment as it all happened.  He also had several videographers who did a FANTASTIC job capturing every detail.  But thats just the start. Here we go.

Lets light some candles at Town Square

Friends and family flew in from all over the country long before Tyas and Olivia showed up for the big event.  I think it says something when so many people come out to help prepare for something like this.  In this case, everyone helped set up over 600 candles across a small bridge, and on surrounding rocks.

After all the cameras, candles, and sound equipment were in place, everyone was given roses.  Each person had a single rose to present to Olivia after Tyas popped the big question.

And before long, the couple arrived, and it was time.  It was their anniversary of the very first date they ever went on so Tyas wanted to recreate that evening.  After taking Olivia to the same restaurant that they spent their first date together at and midnight approached, he brought her to a small bridge in the middle of Town Square (in Las Vegas) where they always came to make wishes and throw a coin into the pond.  Tyas always told Olivia that every time they did this he always wished for the same thing, though he never shared what exactly his wish was.

He carefully let Olivia out of the car and led her, blindfolded, to the middle of the bridge where she was given a candle.  “Keep your eyes on me, alright?”  Tyas said as he removed the blindfold.  Olivia had no idea that behind her, waiting silently, were all of her close friends and family.

“So you know this is a special place, for me.”  He began.  “Its where I asked you out, so, it has a lot of weight in our past and its where we come to throw a coin and so we make wishes for the future.  I’ve told you before that I always wish for the same thing when I throw these coins in, but what I’ve never told you is what that wish is for.”  At this point Tyas pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket that read, ‘I wish to spend the rest of my life with you.’  “Thats always my wish.”  He finished.(ADORABLE RIGHT?!?!)

Oh, but it gets better.  As soon as Olivia was finished reading the note, Tyas began to burn it with the candle in Olivia’s hands.  It went up in flames and turned into a ring box.  (At this point I feel I should say, everyone should marry a magician….for the romance!)

And then blam-o.  Here it is folks.  The moment.  Tyas dropped to one knee, and started by saying, “We go together like a candle and a flame and if thats all we had, it would be enough.  But you saved me.  In a real way.  You saved me from a life of mediocrity.  You lifted me out of an unimportant, irrelevant world and it was a place where I thought a person like you wouldn’t exist for me.  And then all of a sudden you were there.  So, I need you in my life.  I love you very much.  Will you marry me?”  “Yes of course.  Yes!”  Olivia responded through tears.

(Darn that beautiful beautiful bridge railing!!!)

And as soon as she said yes, music began playing, and all of their friends and family started cheering.  Then, and only then, did Olivia realize that they weren’t alone during this whole ordeal!

I’m so pleased I got to take these photos.  I encourage everyone out there thinking of getting engaged:  PLEASE PLEASE hire a photographer!!  It is perhaps one of the single most exciting moments in your life, you deserve to remember it!!!


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