I often speak about brand-building, what it means, and how important it is. Most creatives who are new to business tend to get the idea of having a brand confused with corporate brand names like Walmart, FedEx, or Starbucks. People even confuse the overall idea of having a brand with easily recognizable brand logos like Visa, Apple, or Pepsi.
The reason why big corporations and their logos come to mind when we think of a brand is because big companies already know how to build a strong, trusted and recognizable brand. When I speak about branding, what I’m talking about is the perception your brand gives people when they think of you and your business. That’s what a brand is, simply put. So ask yourself, what comes to mind when people think of you and your photography business?
Recently I was interviewed by Photographer’s Edit CEO Nathan Holritz on this very topic for his Bokeh Podcast. In the podcast, Nathan and I discuss tips and steps that photographers can take to help strengthen their brand.
Branding is one of the most critical aspects of a healthy photography business and is often overlooked in our over-saturated professional photography market. Think of a photographer that stands out to you. They stand out to you because they have a strong brand. So what is your brand?
Check out my Bokeh Podcast interview here!
p.s. – If you’re just getting started with building your business and want to know about how to start building your brand, shoot me an email: info@amberlightcollective.com
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